Friday, December 9, 2011

NEW Tablet computer

finally broke down and bought a tablet . . . Vizio. Love at first sight. I think these little toys have a real future. Even with the 8" screen it is great. Watched a movie downloaded Angry Birds and an office suite. Life is good. Pix is in Old San Juan.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Toodles the Shih Tzu

Back home! Great reunion with my person. Now I can sleep well at nite. I didn't even get a lousy tee shirt from Arecibo. All that seemed to come back was a bottle of booze and trinkets for people. I'm sort of bummed out about it. But, what can a dog do? Getting a nice thick winter coat on me now. Just in time to go to Santa Fe for the holidays. Maybe I'll get to run around in the snow, make yellow snow, and get yelled at for dragging my dirty paws into the house.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Just a quick note about my current position in the world. The picture will tell all!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Toodles the Shih Tzu

Well, we're back after a small hiatus. Halloween was kinda sucky as noone would take me trick or treating. and I got all dressed up for the occasion in my pirate outfit. However in the desert there isn't much call for pirates, matey, not much call at all.

Rest of the stuff around here is the same. Getting along better with the cat. She has learned that if she runs, I will run after her. If she slinks, I could care less.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Toodles the Shih Tzu, new years party

Here are the pictures of the two quiches (spinach and mushroom - leek shitake, procuitto) from the other nite.

Now here is the pix of the fruit bowl going to the party tonight:

Getting my woodworking shop going.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Toodles the Shih Tzu

The big news of the day is Wiley Coyote. Roadrunner (praire chicken dinner) doesn't suit anymore. Seems the wild coyotes prefer Mexican food. Chihuahua appetizers seem to be the plat du jour. Rumors are rampant about Wiley and friends attacking small dogs and (horrors) munching them in front of their owners out for a potty walk.

Toodles got a new blue bandana from Sheplers. He is not too impressed and has slipped out of it twice.  Pix tomorrow.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Toodles the Shih Tzu

Very busy last night. Barking at the dinner guests - Then wagging tail to get pets. Such is the life of  a ferocious guard dog. Two different quiches, green salad and Pino Grigio. Peach and blueberry pie and chocolate cake for dessert. The quiches included a spinach, mushroom and bacon; and a Priscuitto, Shiitake and Leek (sort of a 'fusion' food thing). Worked out really well, although the guests may have not been as enthusiastic as I was about the dinner. Oh well! Recipes on request.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Toodles the Shih Tzu

Jusat hanging out today. Did some training games with cheese treats. Also played with some toys. Don't have fetch down very well yet. I go get it but haven't the knack of bringing the toy back. Few mored days and maybe I'll get the hang of it. Went out for potty before bed last nite. Very aprehensive . . . Nose high in the air and sniffing like crazy. Report of coyotes in the area attacking and (oh my) eating little dogs.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Toodles the Shih Tzu

Today is a great day! Mom and dad went out last nite and (TaDah) I got a doggy bag, (TaDah again). Would you believe baby back ribs. Do I have to do another TaDah? Got the yummy sauce all over my face whiskers - Mom wasn't happy and wanted me wiped down with a napkin. I was saving the whisker lickins for dessert.
As you can see, I put on my cowboy bandana so I could enjoy the treat in sort of an authentic way. Oh, by the way, yes, I have a blue eye and a brown eye. Makes me sexy for the ladies. Ya think? Creeps out a few people I meet on my walks.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Toodles the Shih Tzu

Not too busy today. Barked at a lady walker. (Only barks at the pretty ladies . . . Hmmm). We sat outside and smoked one of our cigars and planned out a tool cart that will double as an extension table for the table saw. Look forward to start the actual building. Posted the Silver service on EBay. Not sure what response the ad will get.

Planted tomatoes and eggplant along with some nasturtiums. Pix to come. Restuccoing part of the back wall near the ground. Seems that a back yard flood last year had lifted the stucco. Will take a few days to get it all done.

The groomer lady not only put a couple of nicks in Toodles' bod, but he also has a cut that is weeping blood just below his left eye. Groomer is history on that note. We are watching the Red Sox/Rays game and chilling out this afternoon. Out for prime rib tonight.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Toodles the Shih Tzu

The sign about says it all. We are getting used to the haircut. Few little nicks that are not appreciated. Cold now. Used to lay on the tile floor as it was cooler. Now its all carpet and warmth. Off to get water softener salt, drop some donations off at the Sheriff's Posse and boy stuff at the hardware store.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

bad hair day

Well, its done . . . Toodles and the groomer got together. Whole lotta different dog ;>}, His one blue eye and one brown eye are now very out there for people to see. He hates a bath, by the way. Had an almost ingrown dew claw that was clipped in the nick of time. He is about half the size he was when he had fur. Had to make his collar much smaller. He doesn't seem to act like there is a difference. More to come.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Toodles the Shih Tzu

Finally, the truth comes out! Toodles was out on the back patio enjoying the walkers, with and without canine companions. And I with my coffee had settled down for a long paper's crossword. While we were outside someone (no names are mentioned) peed on the middle of the bed. The only one in the bedroom was Mrs Katz the cat . . . No need for Sherlock here. Someone peed on the floor couple of days ago and Toodles was blamed for the indescrete act. But, now there is another possible candidate for this. Yessss.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Toodles the Shih Tzu

busted out of the cage yesterday and had an 'accident'. Cleaned up and all is well. Took a three poop walk this morning. Don't know if I have to save a wine cork . . . The cat seems to be an issue. He is preventing the cat from getting to her food and potty box. Nothing overt. Just plunks himself down generally in the path from the bedroom to the cat box. He waits for her. If she just walks by him, all is OK. But, if she decides to run then it is a game afoot. No idea how to change the behavior. More to come.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Toodles the shih tzu

We discovered birds this morning during our walk. Boy do they look like fun toys. The birds had a different view of matters. Also we discovered the cat. New game - sit about three feet apart and have a stare down contest. Still with the cough that we are treating with hydrogen peroxide and honey. More later.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Toodles the shih tzu

The kennel cough drama continues. I have made a decision to try the hydrogen peroxide and honey treatment for the cough. The antibiotics really haven't worked to get rid of the problem so am trying the more homeopathic route. (Few drops of Hydrogen Peroxide in water bowl, tsp of honey on his tongue - he likes it.)

Toodles the shih tzu

Eating, pooping, peeing and watching Animal Planet - what a life. Still have a little kennel cough. Going to the vet on Thursday morning to address that issue. Friend came by and Toodles wanted to go for a ride in her car. Hmm - no loyalty, I guess. Note on vet visit. If given a good bill of health its going to be a bath and pedicure and puppy cut. Mainly a bath. smells like a dog, would you believe! More pix coming soon.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Toodles the shih tzu

We made it through the night inside the cage. Didn't break it open far enough to get out. Still with some kennel cough. No one out to say hello to this morning. Or to watch Toodles poop. (such a great whatever). Ate a nice bit of dinner last night, so maybe the health probs are behind us. We'll see. Pix tomorrow of walkies, etc.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

shih tzu dog

Toodles is busy meeting the neighbors during his morning walks. The topiary poodle wasn't around so he got some pets and 'cute dog'. He really doesn't like the food - any of it. I suspect that again I will have to go to the store and find another brand that he will eat.

We ended up cleaning his backside this morning. Along with giving him a hair clip in the nether region. Seems he retains some of the stuff he expels. The scissor job should help. Still fighting the kennel cough but it seems to be getting better. He and the cat are getting within 6 feet or so apart. Cat still growls. Toodles cocks his head to one side as if to say, "what's the big deal?"

Friday, September 2, 2011

toodles the shih tzu

The game last night was how to get out of the night bed cage. Simple - just worry it to death until the back end comes apart and walk out. Terrific. Toodles is well housebroken and didn't 'potty' until he was on the lead and out in the back. So now my main fuction in life is the dog poop picker- upper.  Food is the other main issue. He still is not too interested in eating his dog food. I jazzed it up by adding a little chicken stock. He ate some of it. More on the diet wars later.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Toodles the Shih Tzu

Well, I am now a dog owner. Shih Tzu. Yeah, I know it's a small fluff ball. Got him at the pound. He was slated to be fixed. However, when the vet grabbed for his balls - there wasn't any there. Chalk another one up for the brains of the pound volunteers. Anyway, he came home Monday. Didn't want any thing to eat. Just a few slurps of water. Took hime to the vet ($98.50) who pronounced him a dog with a little 'kennel cough'. Antibiotics, anti-weepy eye stuff and see him in a week. When I told the vet about the lack of appetite, he gave Tootles something from a Great Value squirt can (cheese whiz?). Lapped it up. Guess he doesn't like the IAMS chow that I bought - if it is good for you it tastes lousy? I got the idea that Tootles wanted me to send the kibble to the home for little wanderer puppies. I got a small bag of Beniful (sp) and added it to the IAMS. He ate it.

Toodles was turned in by folks who claimed that they couldn't afford to keep him. Although leery, he is a cutie and I decided to risk it. He is extremely quiet. Walks great on a lead - never pulls or strays. He does get a bit anxious when it is time for him to go potty. Pooped on the vet's office front lawn. Change for that $98.50.

His only encounter with another dog during this morning's walk (how about that, I'm getting some exercise!). Guy with a poodle all cut like a dog topiary. The guy moved aside while we passed and told his poodle nopt to associate with a scruffy little dog. Scruffy! Who the hell was he to call my direct desendent from a stately wolf, scruffy?

About Mrs Katz - the cat. They have had a confrontation opposite directions. Don't think that is a relationship made in heaven. I'm sure that the cat is happy that the dog and I are in my office outside the house. He has only barked at one person - Bob, a friend who has alzeimer's - he forgot that the Toodles barked at him when he walked into my office so it wasn't an issue when Tootles barked again.
More to come.

Friday, April 22, 2011

common sense rules

My friend Rich sent me these 'rules'


Never wear kilts on a windy day.

Never keep something in the fridge, if it's green and it's not lettuce or  spinach.

Never bend over to dry off when stepping from the shower if there is a cat
in the corner waiting to pounce.

Never buy sushi on sale.

Never put the Windex next to the mouthwash!

Never play pull-my-finger after you've eaten a chilidog or a tamale.

Never give your boss an honest answer except on the day you retire.

Never pause or answer anything other than, "No!" if asked, "Honey, does
this make me look fat?"

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011

Number 42

Delightful list from web - does this prove that Douglas Adams was at least on the right track?

42- Dogs: have 42 teeth when fully grown.
41- Pokemon: The 42nd pokemon in the pokedex is Golbat.
40- Anatomy: Brodmann area 42 is part of the primary auditory cortex in the brain.
39- Drinks: 42 Below is a brand of vodka from New Zealand.
38- Pop culture: Elvis Presley and his father, Vernon, both died at age 42.
37- 42nd Street, Manhattan: includes Times square, Broadway, and important buildings such as the Chrysler Building, New York public library, Bryant Park, and Grand Central Terminal.
36- Geography: there are 42 landlocked countries in the world.
35- Major League Baseball: 42 is the jersey number of Jackie Robinson, the first African American to play the game. This jersey number has been forever retired from the sport.
34- DNA: oats, rats, raccoon dogs, fossa, and wheat, have 42 chromosomes.
33- Games: 42 is the name of a game of dominoes that is the “national game of Texas.”
32- Kazakh: the Kazakh alphabet has 42 letters.
31- Romance: the 42nd anniversary is the “real estate” anniversary.
30- Fruit: there are 42 calories in an average nectarine.
29- Crayola: Razzmatazz is America’s 42nd favorite Crayola crayon color.
28- Amelie (movie): the number 42 is on the bottom of Mr.Colligon’s shoe.
27- Monty Python: in the How Not to be Seen sketch, the video is presented as “H.M. Government Public Service Film No.42.”
26- Dice: there are a total of 42 dots on a pair dice.
25- Playing cards: in a typical deck there are 42 eyes on the queens, kings, and jacks.
24- Frowning: It takes about 42 muscles to frown.
23- Ancient Egypt: there are 42 negative confessions, like commandments, in the Doctrine of Maat, the ancient Egyptian concept of truth.
22- Jonathan Livingston Seagull (wonderful book): Jonathan’s wingspan is 42 inches.
21- Abyss (the movie): At the end of the movie, when the vessel surfaces, you can see it is number 42.
20- Lord of the Rings Two Towers deleted scene: Gimli and Legolas argue about who killed more orcs. Legolas has killed 42.
19- Religion: there are 42 letters in the Cabalist name for god.
18- Biology: 42 degrees Celsius is the point at which a human is likely to die of hyperthermia.
17- English: with all the letters in the alphabet, there are a total of 42 sounds that can be made.
16-Finding Nemo: Dory recites the address of the dentist’s office, which is P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney.
15- Lost (tv show): 42 is the last in the set of reoccurring numbers throughout the series: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42.
14- Nostradamus: Wrote 942 prophecies broken down into 10 verses, or books, each containing 100 except for the 10th which contained 42.
13- Die Hard with a Vengeance: one of the riddles is “what is 21 of 42,” referring to the number of US presidents to date and the name of the school where a bomb has been planted.
12- Astronomy: Planet GJ 1214b, a “super Earth,” is 42 light years away.
11- Romeo and Juliet: Friar Lawrence gives Juliet a drug that will put her into a coma-like death for “two and forty” hours.
10- Bible: 42 is the number of months the Beast will hold dominion over the earth.
9- Time capsule: On April 30, 2042, the Nickelodeon time capsule will be dug up
8- Dr.Seuss: wrote and illustrated 42 books under the name Dr. Seuss.
7- Census: In 2042, minorities in America will become the majority and will for the first time outnumber whites.
6- Alice in Wonderland: Rule 42 of the King’s court is “All persons more than a mile high must leave the court.”
5- Rainbows: A rainbow is always a maximum 42 degree arc around the “anti solar point” exactly opposite the sun.
4- History: according to National Geographic, there were 42 attempts to assassinate Hitler.
3- Science: It would take 42 minutes to travel from one side of the earth to the other through a theoretical tunnel called the Gravity Train.
2- Bible: A group of boys make fun of a bald-headed man. As they part, the man curses them in the name of God, and two female bears come out of the woods and rip 42 of them to shreds.
1-Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy: According to the supercomputer Deep Tought, the great answer to life, the universe, and everything, is 42.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Nasty people

 This post was originally posted by someone else (spished?)
I am not happy with this kind of invasion.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

u1How are things with you?


I came across a very nice website, they have a variety of items, also they have much superior quality, what's most important is their ultra low prices and fast delivery, they have consumers from all over the world, and I hope you can find the suitable things for you, thanks!
Good luck!

Monday, March 28, 2011


I don't get it . . . Gaddhafi is now reviled by the U.S. of A. No fly zones, bank holds, etc. Why hasn't the same been done in Syria, Bahrain, Jordan, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia and other mid eastern spots where the 'populalr uprisings are happening. Are we still carrying a grudge about the Locherbee air crash? Libya is a nice place for Al Queda to get its foothold - lots of oil money.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

hospital again

Short stay in the hospital over the last three days. I had a hole in my gut that was oozing blood and stuff. MRI found a tiny piece of old shrapnel in there. Anyway, they removed the bits, scar tissue and a small amount of fat. I did ask them to do some liposuctionand get rid of the spare tire parts, but they didn't listen. The surgeon was a nice lady, though. Now I have a vacuum machine hooked up to my gut. Sucks out the blood and gore and dries out the wound. This is suppose to speed up the healing. However, having a machine that slurps is kinda disconcerting.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

My friend ~~

Happy every day
My friend,are you busy recently?I found a nice website,I think you will be interested in the products in it. So I am writing this letter to introduce it to you. This is a website about electronical products,and it has many kinds of products,such as laptops,cellphones,MP3,GPS,TV,Motorcycle,camera and so on。The most important thing is that their price are so low,it is so economical。Please take some time to have a check ,there must be something you 'd like to purchase。Enjoy yourself!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

rules of life

thanks to frfrog for the following:

1) Beware of the man with one gun.

2) Fancy guns, sights, and gadgetry do not make up for a lack of marksmanship. (This though applies to a lot of other activities too.)

3) If you can't do it with a .30-06 you probably can't do it with anything else.

4) If you can't do it with a 2 MOA firearm you probably can't do it with anything else.

5) Sight picture and trigger control are life.

6) Practice, practice, practice!

7) A close miss is still a miss.

8) Smoothness first, the speed will come.

9) Inconsequential increments are meaningless.

10) Most gun writers are pathological liars.

Internal Ballistics
1) There ain't no magic powders!

2) There are no magic cartridge cases!

3) Details! It's in the details.

4) Inconsequential increments are meaningless.

5) Most gun writers are pathological liars.

External Ballistics
1) There ain't no magic bullets!

2) Divide the range at which someone claims to have shot their deer by 4 to get (close to) the real range.

3) Always get as close as possible.

4) Don't believe manufacturer's claims.

5) Velocity erodes, mass doesn't

6) In the battle between velocity and accuracy, accuracy always wins.

7) Inconsequential increments are meaningless.

8) Most gun writers are pathological liars.

Terminal Ballistics
1) There ain't no magic bullets!

2) Only center hits count

3) Make the biggest diameter hole you can to let blood out, air in, and destroy as much stuff as you can with each hit

4) Small bullets may expand, but big bullets never shrink.

5) Make the deepest hole you can to insure that vital organs and nerve centers can be reached and destroyed from all impact angles.

6) "Service" your target until it is no longer a threat or capable of any response you don't want.

7) No small arm can guarantee 100% instant incapacitation of a determined adversary--man or beast.

8) Don't believe manufacturer's claims.

9) Inconsequential increments are meaningless.

10) Most gun writers are pathological liars.

1) Bring a gun. Preferably, bring at least two guns. Bring all of your friends who have guns.

2) Anything worth shooting is worth shooting twice. Ammo is cheap. Life is expensive.

3) If your shooting stance is good, you're probably not moving fast enough nor using cover correctly.

4) Move away from your attacker. Distance is your friend. (Lateral and diagonal movements are preferred.)

5) If you can choose what to bring to a gunfight, bring a long gun and a friend with a long gun.

6) In ten years nobody will remember the details of caliber, stance, or tactics. They will only remember who lived.

7) If you are not shooting, you should be communicating, reloading, and running.

8) Accuracy is relative: most combat shooting standards will be more dependent on "pucker factor" than the inherent accuracy of the gun.

9) Use a gun that works EVERY TIME. Don't trust an untested gun.

10) Someday someone may kill you with your own gun, but they should have to beat you to death with it because it is empty.

11) Always cheat = always win. The only unfair fight is the one you lose.

12) Have a plan. A bad plan quickly executed is better than no plan.

13) Have a back-up plan, because the first one probably won't work.

14) If your attack is going according to plan, it's probably an ambush.

15) Use cover and concealment as much as possible.

16) Flank your adversary when possible. Protect yours.

17) Always tactically reload and threat scan 360 degrees at the conclusion of the action.

18) Watch their hands. Hands kill. (In God I trust. Everyone else, keep your hands where I can see them).

19) Decide to be AGGRESSIVE enough, QUICKLY enough.

20) The faster you finish the fight, the less shot up you will get.

21) Do not deliberately attend a gunfight with a handgun, the caliber of which does not start with a "4."

22) Anyone who claims they know everything about gunfighting is a jerk.

23) Don't rely on a single weapon system. Know how to efficiently use all kinds of different weapons.

24) Remember that after your assailant is down that most likely one of his friends is waiting to kill you.

25) The only thing you ALWAYS know, is you NEVER know!

26) When you least expect it, EXPECT IT.

27) If there is any doubt, there is NO doubt.

28) The are few interpersonal relationship problems that cannot be solved by the judicious use of high explosives or napalm.

29) Remember that tracers work both ways.

1) All you really need are a good trigger and good sights.

2) You can remove metal but it's hard to put it back.

3) Sharp edges belong on a knife.

4) Better too loose than too tight.

5) You won't find an Allen wrench or a Torx driver in the boonies.

6) Better a stock too short than too long.

7) "Kool" won't save your life or bring down a game animal.

8) Don't over lubricate.

9) There are no magic lubricants.

10) There are no magic cleaners

11) Not all professional gunsmiths (even some big name ones) know what they are doing.

Life in General
1) Good manners are always in good taste. Treat others the way you want them to treat you.

2) Better to be over-dressed than under-dressed.

3) Be kind and courteous to everyone you meet but have a plan to kill them quickly if necessary.

4) One cannot have too many good books, to much good wine, or too much ammo.

5) Cats are a good judge of character.

6) Learn something new every day.

7) Good grammar is a sign of a sharp mind.

8) Your word must be your bond.

9) Stay alert!

10) True friends that will stick by you no matter what are a rarity. Cherish them.

11) YOU are responsible for what happens to you.

12) You are NOT entitled to an easy life and luxuries.

13) Always do the right thing. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.

14) Flowers say "I'm sorry," chocolate says "I love you."

15) Don't do stupid things, don't associate with stupid people, don't go to stupid places, and don't live in stupid areas.

16) Do not rely on the government for anything, especially your survival. Anyone who says, "I'm from the government and I'm going to help you" is NOT your friend, and is NOT interested in your welfare..

17) Don't be upset by people who don't like you or who speak ill of you. They are the ones who will never know the pleasure of your friendship.

18) Don't throw rocks at people with guns. Don't stand next to people who throw rocks at people with guns.

19) Enjoy the little things in life too.

20) Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and confirm it.

21) Money doesn't make you better than someone else. It is just a convenience on the road of life.

22) You won't have trouble if you are prepared for it.

23) You cannot personally solve everyone's problems, nor should you feel that you have to. You need to take care of yourself too.

24) The magnitude of one's stupidity is amplified by one's position in society. "

25) Morons are equally distributed among time and space, so it does not matter where you go. You are very likely to find at least one in a location where you least expect it."

26) It's not what you look like nor what people think of you that defines you, but rather what you do.

27) Pay close attention to everything, notice what no one else notices. Then you will know what no one else knows and that's always useful.

28) What a person may or may not have done in the past should have no bearing on their reputation or desirability as a friend. It is what they are doing now that is important.

29) Agents of the government and politicians all lie to you and are not your friends. Never trust them.

30) Real men know how to cook and clean.

31) Don't stand out or call attention to yourself. The squeaky wheel get close attention and the nail that is standing up gets hammered, and those who are paying attention will note you as a potential subject of interest.

32) If you think you need a hand, look first at the end of your own arms.

1) God is the one in charge, but don't expect him to just do everything for you. He gave you a brain and muscles for a reason.

2) Pray daily. (Yes, He wants you to pray for yourself too.)

3) Showing God's love does not mean you have to accept as "OK" every behavior of every person. It just means that you have to treat everyone with respect and compassion.

4) You will be a better witness by example than by bible thumping. The best sermons are lived, not spoken.

5) God doesn't care if you are Jewish, Baptist, Catholic, Episcopalian, or whatever. He cares about how well you follow his directions.

6) When you talk to God, remember to listen.

7) God doesn't expect you to walk on water. He just wants you to get out of the boat.

8) Don't ask God to do difficult things FOR you, ask Him to help you find the strength to do difficult things for yourself.

9) The harder you push against life, the harder it pushes back.

1) Don't overdo the seasonings.

2) An unwatched pot usually boils over.

3) Simple, hearty food, is the best--especially when shared with friends.

4) A day without red wine is not a complete day.

5) Fresh baked bread negates the cholesterol in butter.

6) Use fresh ingredients.

7) The most critical ingredient in a recipe you are working on is the one you ran out of last week.

8) Electric stoves keep cooking once the burner is turned off.

9) Homemade cinnamon buns are considered a health food.

10) Use real butter.

11) Use REAL vanilla, almond extract, and other flavorings and spices.

1) Don't buy cheap cutting tools.

2) Measure 3 times, cut once.

3) You can make a board shorter, you can't make it longer.

4) A properly aligned table saw will get out of alignment at the most critical cut of the project.

5) Don't believe dimensions given in a project's plans until you have checked them.

6) A sharp pencil will always be on the other side of your work area.

7) Before beginning to screw and glue check the fit of all pieces.

8) A dull cutting tool is worse than having no tool.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

multitasking in the digital age

This list is thanks to inkThinker.

Thoughts on how well  you really operate in this digital, multitasking age . . .

You’re finishing lunch when you realize that there’s peanut butter all over your iPhone.

You just finished a call with your boss / client / repairman with, “Love you, bye.”

On your way to get more coffee, you realize you left a trail of Post-It notes on the floor behind you last time you refilled. Which leads you to realize that there were Post-It notes stuck to you in several places. Oops.

You clear your morning for a meeting you realize only later is happening next Monday.

You spend 10 minutes talking about a project with a co-worker before you realize you’re actually talking about two different projects.

You spend 15 minutes racing back in from the car several times for things you forgot on your way to run an errand that takes less than 10 minutes.

It takes you about 10 minutes to realize that the dog looks funny because he chewed up a black ink pen.

It takes you about 10 minutes after that to realize that your reading pillow looks funny because the dog chewed that up, too.

You repeatedly open a new e-mail and then freeze because you forgot who you were writing to and about what.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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Monday, January 24, 2011

weighty matters

Seems that the kilogram - you know the measurement that is used in all of the world except here in the US of A. It's one portion of the metric system. This is the system that is simple, based on the fact that everything is divisible by ten. No pounds, ounces or any other weird numbering system. Just ten . . . Anyway the kilo is now under attack. Seems that the reference weight has lost about a millionth of a gram.

When is a kilogram not a kilogram? When it starts to weigh less. It came into existence more than two centuries ago and has become the standard unit of weight around the world, from the shopping malls of Europe to the souks of the Middle East, but scientists believe that the reign of the kilo as we know it is about to come to an end.
A group of experts meeting in London today want to redefine the kilogram so that it is no longer based on the mass of a solid cylinder of platinum-iridium alloy that sits beneath three layers of protective glass sealed in a locked vault in Sèvres, France.
This metal block, known as the International Prototype Kilogram, has been used since it was first registered with the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) in 1889 as the definitive unit of mass against which all other kilograms are measured.
In the past 122 years, it has been brought out of storage just three times to calibrate the national prototype kilograms used by countries around the world. However, scientists now believe it is time to redefine the kilogram because there is evidence that the precise mass of the international prototype in Sèvres is not as constant as it should be.
"We think it is losing weight, and we don't know why," says the BIPM's Michael Stock, who is due to attend the meeting at the Royal Society in London that will look again at the kilogram. "From the three times we have had it out to make calibrations, we have had indications that it is not perfectly stable. It seems to have lost about 50 micrograms and there is no real explanation."
The loss of mass, amounting to fifty-millionths of a gram, is equivalent to a small grain of sand, but for metrologists, who make a religion out of measuring things with extreme accuracy, the change represents a disturbing disparity from the expected.

Now it seems to me that if we converted to the metric system, all our weight loss woes would be over. Just eat what you want and get on a kilo scale and automatically lose weight. Killer idea, huh? On another note, Jack Lalanne died at 96 - long life - wonder how many it was in kiloyears ????

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Unbelievable - its 2011 already. Gas is over $3.00 again - I use super stuff. Its one of the disadvantages of having an upgrade engine. Anyway, driving a front wheel drive vehicle is certainly different than the ole rear wheelers that I have driven for the last 55 years. Did some skeet shooting yesterday. Real rusty. I should get out to the range more. My O/U shotgun is not the problem, although I do blame it for the misses of those 'tiny' little clay disks flying at supersonic speeds. I keep wrecking cars on the XBox, not because my reaction time has diminished - its just that the cars are . . .

Went to see TRON in 3D and IMAX. Waste of 12 bucks. A mishmash of so-so depth effects. Anything or anyone not speaking was out of focus, or fuzzy double. Shame on you Disney. Remember the old blue/red glasses where 3D was stuff actually flying off the screen into the theater? As I remember, Universal still does a pretty good job of that on some of their rides using the polarizing lenses.