Sunday, October 11, 2009

High school reunion

My class reunion from high school is currently in full party. And here I am not there! Because of my current medical conditions I am prevented from going. I recieved some nice emails from some of my old classmates. Amazing how my class spread out and pursued varied lives. It is hard to get my head around 50 years of time has elapsed since graduation.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Life has come to a standstill for me. No apparent direction forward. Only reminiscing about the past. Not good for my mental health, I guess. Anyway, I made a pot of my special blend coffee and that makes the world better - maybe. My coffee blend consists of 6 oz Italian roast, 6 oz Viennese roast and 2 oz Sumatra. lI buy whole bean and grind just before brewing. I have used this blend for about 30 years. How time flies when we enjoy a good cup of coffee ;}). I make some awesome scones to go with the brew also. They are relatively simple to throw together and are great with blueberries folded in. If anyone wants the recipe, just ask.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

flu shots

Got a flu shot on Tuesday, Have flu-like sysmptoms today (Thursday). So I guess the flu shot worked ? ? ? Still on Coumadin for my blood. I will have to ask when they are going to do another scan to see if the blood clots in my leg are clearing up - or do they clear up? As I am not going to boulder City this weekend, life is sort of dull.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Cats sailing

Cats are always a blessing aboard. I sailed with a very large Maine Coon cat named Buttons. He fearlessly guarded his territory (the boat) and because of his yellow color got the name 'el Tigre' by local kids who came by to see him. One officious port captain actually asked me if my tiger was tied up. Since Buttons usually wore a harness, I said "yes". The guy went below and a few seconds later came flying up the ladder and sped to the dock.
I figure that my cat yawned which scared the fellOw saw a tiger. My papers were thrown at me and I never saw the port captain again.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

sailing cats

Rosie was the other half of our sailing cats. She was an Irish dutchess. Pranced on her toes as she swished her over-fluffy tail. She was a great boat cat. Usually she was very shy with strangers. However, on the boat, she lost all of her inhibitions and whenever anyone came aboard, she jumped up on the aft table in front of the guest and spreadeagled for a tummy rub - go figure (lol). She would hop up beside me at the helm whenever we went out of the slip. Baccarat, on the other hand went down below and dug his claws into some wood and held on.

Monday, September 21, 2009

alternator OK

Finally all is well with the truck (fingers crossed). Guy at AutoZone geve me a hint. Now everything is working well YES! Getting ready for the Maricopa Home and Garden Show. Will be offering the BBQ Sauces, mustards and wine jellies as usual. Looks like an easy set up - No tent drive right up to the booth and unload.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

sailing cats

Baccarat was with me for 20 years. He was a big (20lbs) lazy and clumsy Maine Coon cat. He loved being on the boat with us. I was working as a harbor master in Monterey CA, living with two cats on the boat. Bac, a territorial, individual that defended his boat space from all comers. For instance, one afternoon a German Shepard came prancing down the dock, away from his master off the leash. He got close to our boat. Bac took exception to the intrusion and fluffed out all his fur, growled, hissed and extended his claws. The German Shepard backed away just as its owner came looking for him. The owner was really embarrassed by his dog who cowered from a mere cat. Bac, unperturbed, curled up on the cabin top for a well deserved snooze in the sun.

On another day, Bac decided to go for a dock stroll. As this was a forbidden activity, we ran after him. He skittered out on one of the dock fingers and by his posture, I could tell that he knew he was in trouble. So he decided to get away from me by jumping the 13 feet across to the next finger. The otters on the water watched the spectacle of the mighty leap and subsequent splash into Monterey Bay. I got him fished out after he cat paddled to me. A good towel drying then a week of his self grooming (and subsequent hairballs) got him back to normal. He did not leave the boat again. I suspect that the otters are still laughing . . .

Friday, September 18, 2009

The end?

The new alternator in and running. Had a scare - my Voltmeter only registered 12 volts. Come to find out that it was wrong. New alternator actually pumping out 14.4 volts.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

car trouble

Alternator blues. Seems the new alternator has a bad diode . . . Back to the local AutoZone for yet another replacement. Whoop-di-do. I am just taking a break from putting the new one into the truck.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Brawley, car trouble

I got stuck in Brawley, Ca. on Friday nite. Alternator in my truck decided not to alt. Waited out in the desert for about an hour and a half for the AAA truck to arrive. Got towed into Brawley and parked in the AutoZone lot. The tow driver then dropped me off at a motel in town. Walked across the street to a Jack in the Box. They were closed, except for the drive-in. The manager made an exception and let me in so I could get a cold drink and something to eat. Next morning, after no sleep (worry) I walked back to my truck and started the hassle of getting a new alternator. First I had to be ordered and Tuesday - soonest. Then by a miracle one appeared and I replaced it using tools loaned to me by the store. John, the customer service guy at AutoZone charged up my battery and came out to check on me often. When I went across the street to get an iced tea he went out and took the new alternator back into the store to ensure that no one stole it .. . The new alternator did not work. Had to get another one from El Centro. John replaced that one for me. Success. Bottom line. everyone that I came in contact with in Brawley were overly helpful, and just fantastic. Nice to see.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

cat sailing stories

When sailing alone it can get really lonely. I mean really lonely! So I have, when possible, had a cat as a shipmate. They are reasonably self sufficient and on rare occasions, actually seem like they are listening to my ramblings in a seaway. And they can provide some much needed relief during times of lonely stress. Spishtac, rescued from a dumpster in Hong Kong may give you an example. Spishtac was a runt of a litter living on a pig farm in Pak Sha Wan, a coastal village north of Kowloon. He had his tale lopped off by the farmer's wife before being uncerimoniously dumped to die. He was rescued and became my sailing companion on an 80 day single handed passage from Hong Kong to San Francisco (read the book 'Pacific High'). We were in the middle of a full gale winds above 60 knots, pitch black on deck. An emergency required going out on deck. So I, after deliberations, was elected. Spishtac wanted to go out on deck, too. But a little 3 pound cat with decks awash didn't seem ideal. He abhored being locked below. I donned my foulies and made my way forward I snapped my harness onto the deck lifeline and did my work. A wave took me and tumbled me ass over teakettle, snapped the harness line and washed me down so most of my body was in the water on the lee side. The boat was making about 7 knots and I was being pulled into the sea. Talk about scared! I managed to ge myself back on board and up to the mast step when Spishtac floated toward me in the next wave that crashed over the bow. I grabbed him and uncerimoniously stuffed him into my foul weather jacket and finished the work. He didn't move while in the jacket - good thing because his little claws were very sharp.

Seems he had made his way out through a crack in the companionway and went hunting for flying fish, or whatever. I warmed up some reconstituted milk for him while I dried him and me with a towel. I had a cup of hot tea. From then on his favorite napping spot became my foul weather jacket.

Monday, September 7, 2009

sailing cats

I haave been thinking about the cats that went sailing with me. My greatest companion was
Buttons. He was a 22 lb Maine Coon Cat. And rightfully, according to his actions, the captain of the vessel. He was a very independent soul.
For example, we both wore harnesses in a rough seaway that kicked up from time to time. Even though he was a large yellow feline, if he went overboard, I would never be able to find him. Therefore, his harness.
I, on the other hand wore my harness because if I was washed overboard, his independence would rise and I am s ure he wouldn't bring the boat around to rescue me. He'd just keep sailing along waiting for a flying fish to brain itself on the cabin side.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Living with a bipolar individual is extremely stressful and fraught with the great unknown. Never knowing when that person will go off the deep end or be calm. Don't know how to cope sometimes.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

seahorse memories

This blog is entitled 'life thoughts'. I have been kinda' scribbling about what is going on around me in the present tense. However, there are times when something triggers a childhood memory that I would like to share. This is one of them. I grew up in a small New England town, Lakeville Mass. I took on the job of paperboy - another memory of going to the New Bedford Times building and actually seeing a paper being printed. Anyway, one of my customers, a Mrs. Cudworth owned a house built in the late 1600's. The house was chock a block full of antiques and a collection of sea related things. Coral, shells, and other things of the sea sat on side tables, shelves, in nooks and hidden in other crannies. On the Saturdays that I collected for the paper, Mrs. Cudworth always made me go into her living room and sit in a large morris chair and watch a piece of white coral. She claimed that if I was real still, while she made me a cup of cocoa, I would see a seahorse living in the coral and if I was really lucky, I would see it move. Each week I would do as told. Sometimes, I could a'lmost see something move in the coral. Never did I really see the seahorse. Guess I didn't believe enough. Strange how certain memories stay with one for so many years. Even stranger is how vivid the memories are . . .

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

warfarin, lovenox, VA

my INR (whqtever the hell that is) is up to 1.3 (presumably because of the pills and shots. VA is monitoring my blood and calling me to find out how I'm doing. Get that kind of concern in the private sector. I still don't really like shoving a needle in my gut twice a day . . . Back to the VA. I am still irked about the people that bitch and moan about having to wait in emergency. They handle things on a worse first basis. Hangnails go last. I have not had better care in any hospital than in the VA system. From Florida to Arizona the care has been more than excellent. Anyway, I got a call this morning to ensure that I had enough needles and they wanted to check my blood on Thursday because of the long weekend coming up.

Monday, August 31, 2009

more shots

went to lab to get a needle stuck into me to find out whether the needles that I am sticking into myself are working. Very disenhearthening. I feel like a pincushion . . .
Otherwise, still depressed about life in general. Guess it goes with aging.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


have to give myself shots of anti coagulant and take coumadin for blood clots in leg. Hate it

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


towing and impound - $400.00. cop said I had to use the service. But, I have AAA, I said . . .

Sunday, August 23, 2009

getting better

recovering nicely. most scabs gone. pain less in ribs. Think I'll live to see another day. Hooray

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


finally got the last of the stuck on bandages pealed (ripped) off my leg and forehead. i am still p.o.ed about the job that the hospital emergency room did on me. Anyway, I am on the mend.

Monday, August 17, 2009

cuts bruises stitches

Got scraped up pretty badly on Saturday. couple of hairline fractures and two stitches. That's not what I want to talk about. The emergency room was like a little kids play doctor room. I have never been so badly bandaged, etc. bunch ofreal amateurs.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Now here's one for the books. I bought a can of the air conditioner stuff to top off the system in my little truck. Left it in the cab. The bottom split open in the heat of Phoenix. Caution to all you living in hot climes

Friday, August 7, 2009

VA prescriptions

had to get some refills for my prescriptions at the Veterans Admin. I recently changed from one VA to another (closer to home). Anyway, instead of filling them at the new clinic, they did the deed at the old one with the old doctor and the old clinic. Sooo 3 hours later, the problem was worked out and all is right with my meds world.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Santa Fe

The show was very disappointing from the stand-point of numbers of peoplke attending. However the old square, museums and friendly people made up for the lack of sales. Went to the Georgia O'Keefe museum. Wow. Most restaiurants in the area are Mexican. Took a good 18 hours to return to Phoenix. I dawdled along the way. Bit of depression was nagging at me and I tried to shake it off. It is better for me to get my mind focused on something rather than dwelling on my issues.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

arts and craft show

Getting ready to go to Santa Fe NM and do an arts and crafts show. Family manufactures and sells wine jellies, bbq sauces, mustards. All are wine and or spirit based and actually delicious. I feel that I am getting a little long in the tooth to set up and do these shows, but they have to be done.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

current ills continued

Now that I am declared cured . . . Woke up this morning with throat closed up and can hardly breathe. Now it seems to me that whatever I have is moving up my body - leg, chest now windpipe. Seems to me that they could have looked at the possibility that I might have been experiencing a massive allergic reaction to something. I doubt that I was bitten by anything - no stings, bite marks, welts, or any other outward sign of anything. I had a reaction to one of the meals in the hospital (chicken and dumplings - or by its right name cardboard and wallpaper paste; salad with italian dressing - or lettuce and vinegar.) Have another benadryl ready in case I close up again. I am allergic to bee stings.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

hospital time

Spent the last four days in Boswell Hospital - Sun City. Background - I was in Glendale on biz when I sort of collapsed (I blacked out and got right back up.) Anyway, driving there my hands were shaking like crazy and arms were very cold. I called 911 (Yes the position locator on the Iphone works). Ambulance came and hauled my butt off to the emergency room. ER doc named Patel declared me sick as he found a large red sploch on my right leg and promply flicked his bic and drew a line around the splotch - to contain it, I guess. I was then declared as having some sort of infection coupled with severe dehydration. Ohh Kay. So off I get whizzed (and by now I really needed to whizz even in my dehydrated state.) I was assigned a heart doctor, (named Patel) in case the infection was in one or more of my ticker valves - did I mention that a line of battle was drawn around the offending cellitis, their term not mine. Three different antibiotics were IV'd into me along with the required saline solution, Only took 8 stabs in the back of my hand for the blood tests. Hmmmm. Then they pulled out what seemed like a gallon of my red stuff radiated it and then put it back into me for scanning 18 hours later. Of course the infectuous disease doc (named Patel - go figure). I was declared cured (Thank some Indian Gods for such a miracle, I suppose. Now a script for Keflex, watch my temperature, get lots of rest and live long and prosper.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

restaurants, buffets

have you ever eaten in a Buffet - of course you have. Sort of middle of the road hot stuff that you get yourself. Anyway, I never know what to tip the people that come by occasionally and pick up the dirty plates. Seems wrong to go the whole 15 or 20% as one is really doing all the go and get things. So, a buck? two bucks?

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Got about 2500 words written today. Certainly a nice bit to edit tomorrow. Editing is probably more important than the original typing. However, to get the ideas out of the brain box and on paper is really a good feeling for me.

Friday, July 17, 2009

alternative energy

Went to Holbrook Az to a wind farm. Interesting trip and some info to pass on. Saw a bald eagle (cool) and a grey wolf (cooler) as I was driving along. Wind farm south of Holbrook. Blades are 130 feet long. SRP will be buying the wind generated megawatts. However, when they need the power most - in the hot summer - the wind doesn't blow (go figure). Plans are to expand the operation to include solar panels and more windmills. On the way back through Apache country found a radio station that was broadcasting in the Apache language. Found out that the word 'homeowner' has no real translation in that language. (way cool)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

senate hearings

What a sham! The new nominee for the Supreme Court seems to be in some sort of 'scripted' dialogue with Senators who, in turn are trying to use words to express how inflated important they are. What a crock. Bork was rejected because he smoked pot and could have been the smartest person on the high bench. This one will be put in because she is mediocre. Go figure. It's all politics. Period - full stop.

Bastille Day

Great day to open a nice Bordeau.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


had to drive a package to kingman last night - got back at 5AM. Long drive. ran over a deer that had already been hit by someone before me.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

stress test

Went and had my heart looked after today. I have been having a few chest pains and did not know if they were undigested mutton or mustard. Anyway, after four passes with the nuke machine, and chemical stress tests, they pronounced me as having a heart episode - no heavy lifting, stress, or strenous activity. In other words, not much of an answer. I go to the VA. And, I am very happy to say that I have not one complaint about the system. They have given me a triple bypass, surgeried my foot and generally kept me reasonably well over the years. I listen to the people in the waiting rooms complain about how they have to wait. They usually are walk-ins without appointments. Damn fools in my opinion.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I am a self admitted news junkie. No I am not going to check myself into some 12 step program to break my addiction. I have to know what is going on in the world. I do not ever think that my knowing will change any of the crap that goes on. The only thing that does get changed (sometimes) is how I view an issue. Michael jackson's funeral, in mty opinipon was over covered. I suppose that the ratings for the news outlets went up so the bottom lines got a bit of a bump. I do worry that newspapers will succumb to the tv and both will eventually somehow meet their demise at the door of the dot com realm. Doing the New York Times crossword is somehow less on the computer screen. At 75 cents a pop, newspapers are getting more expensive - Like beer cheaper than coke.

Monday, July 6, 2009

arizona heat

Hot here in the valley. 103 at 9AM. Out on the bike - had to run up to Fountain Hills (about 35 miles from home), Not a bad ride even though it was hot. Dry heat, I guess. I really miss the trees and grass and growing my 'jungle' back in Florida. Oh well . . . Monsoon season is here - I guess we will get some rain - about 4 drops so far.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Independence Day

Now the fireworks are over (for those who were lucky enough to see them this year) it is back to summer as usual. I had to go down to the Nogales area. I did stop at the Santa Xavier mission. Neat. The building is being restored and white washed. Indian market outside. If you are ever travelling south on Rte 19 toward Nogales, take a few minutes to stop. Terrible frozen tough steak for dinner. Since my kid years have tried to have salmon and peas for the fourth. Don't have any idea how that tradition started. Ate outside on the lawn. This year shoeleather and a glass of wine.

Friday, July 3, 2009


Yup, I'm here in seniorsville coping with Social Security, aches, pains and all the other crap that makes the promise of the golden years seem like a wisp of smoke from one of my occasional good cigars. No one tells us that the years will be filled with arthritis, acid reflux, fibromyalgia, intestinal gas and the like. Just look at the ads for the 'senior communities' - all are running around playing tennis, golf and lawn darts in designer duds. Hmmm, seems like advertising hooey to me. We areempowered by AARP (an insurance company front), 401k plans that are not worth the paper they are written on. 'Welcome to Walmart' - is this our real retirement destiny? Who has some other thoughts out there in cyberland?????

Thursday, July 2, 2009

theatre decorum wicked

Went to see Wicked last nite. Cute. I was facinated by the attire and slovenliness of the patrons. Cut off jeans, dirty tee shirts, cell phone use during the performance. Sort of like a beatnik coffee house in the 50's and 60's. Maybe I am an old far* but I think that the venue and the performance should be shown some respect. Or am I from forgotten place in the dark ages? Sort of like most of the things around me. Conversations in 140 characters or less (twitter, etc.) are the norm. 'Hooking up' is the relationship choice. McWhatever is going out to dinner. Snapshots are of vulvas not faces.

Monday, June 29, 2009

iraq, war, premature pullout

Being a news junkie, I am always intrigued by the stuff that goes on around the world. National Holiday declared for the american pullout from the cities. The admittance that Iraq will probably fall back into a feudal dispute. The fact that really the oil interests of the US of A was the reason for the overthrow of Hussein (not WMDs). Wonder why we could have not used our covert diplomacy to overthrow the goverment? Seems like the Kurds, Suunis, Shites, and whomever else will start using US and Chinese weaponry to beat the hell out of each other . . .

Friday, June 26, 2009

high school reunion

I've been into my high school alumni site and looking at the pix of my old classmates. One thing occurs to me - when did they get old?

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Michael Jackson has passed on. Only album that I have kept over the years is Thriller. He may have been a kook; but he was one hell-u-va musician. Farewell to Farah, too. The world, even in reruns will miss 'Jill'. I can't get too worked up about either. I did not know them. Neither owed me any money or had any emotional baggage.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

government infidelity

Seems that the Governor of S.C. has got his pickle in some Argentine cheesecake and soured his chances of running for Prez in 2012. I read about those who say that one's sex life is paramount to the ability to lead. Others opine that the two are separate - family values come first (no pun).
I kinda straddle the fence on the issue. If it doesn't influence the decisions necessary to govern, then what the hell. JFK seems to have done OK, as did Clinton. FDR had a mistress as did Eisenhower. I am rather sick of the moral whatever sticking their noses in other peoples bedrooms. Seems to me that they are just peeping toms.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

food, restaurants, travel

The Cattle Baron restaurant in Roswell NM is located in the middle of a bunch of fast food places. They serve steaks a very adequate salad bar (all you can eat). The pinot noir served with the entree was far too young to actually serve - much less drink. I ordered the prime rib - tender and tasty. The waiter was well on top of things and seemed to anticipate my needs when I wanted something and left me alone when I was eating. I began the meal with a delightful seafood gumbo. I can recommend this place where the aliens allegedly landed in 1947.

road food, restaurants

I am travelling a lot at the moment. When I am on the road I like to find little out of the way restaurants that may or may not be a pleasant surprise - for the palate and road weary bones.
The Tin Roof in Boerne Texas is a good place to start this blog. The restaurant was once an auto repair garage that was gutted by a previous owner and then converted into an eatery. The large overhead garage doors are still in place above the diners. The restaurant boasts a number of steaks (it is Texas, after all). The offered mushroom soup was surprisingly good, as was the side salad. The steaks were all right, nothing spectacular - my top sirloin was over peppered. The wine list showed no Texas vinyards - pity. The waiter had been there a week at this writing. All in all it is an OK place. As an afternote - the martini was watered down and small.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

gas prices, economy, arizona

here I am back again with a couple of thoughts about the world around me. First, gas prices. Why is it that Oil has dropped to about 35 bucks a barrel and gas prices are up over 50 cents. Seems like someone is in the ole gouge game. Ever notice when gas prices go north and there is a legislative enquiry - nothing ever comes of it. Hmmmm. While I was getting a cup of coffee at the local Dunkin this morning, the guy beside me was griping about how overworked he is. Seems the layoffs at his company has caused the remaining worker bees to produce more. I did remind him that he was still employed. Arizona is the third state in foreclosures after California and Nevada. Obama wants to provide bailout money for the folks who made bad deals and now have mortgages that they can't pay. Just send me my billion and I'll shut up. I voted for the man, but I wonder if he is a bit naive. Throwing money (taxpayers money) at the problem may just get this good ole US of A upside down on its burgeoning debt. Ah well.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Government, recession, pains

well, I'm back again . . . The elections are over, we have an articulate President. Sometimes I get irked with all the fuss about his skin tone, heritage, and all of the other baggage that he is suppose to be carrying. Crap. He's a smooth politician, may be able to get congress to act like they are spending billions on the citizens - hah. The Dem congress is going to do a lot of social stuff that he has promised. But, neither he nor anyone else can come up with a quick fix for the economic woes that have been building for 8 or so years.  On another and completely unrelated note: my ankle is getting worse - can hardly walk. I work standing a lot. Really bad . . . Tomorrow, I go to the doctor and see if there are medical stuff that can be done to get me back to at least walking normally.