Friday, August 29, 2008

desk, house construction

I put together a desk from IKEA this morning. Pictures outlined the process. found out why Gene is so upset about the house - she hates it. The shoddy construction work and the carpentry, plumbing etc. was done by a group of real amateurs. Oh well. Back is really hurting from the bending and stuff so have taken a pain pill and will chill out until it kicks in.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

more divorce

The soon to be ex has put herself into a very bad financial crisis. Loks like she will lose her rental (with her daughter and granddaughter) and wants me to pay her living expenses - fat chance! I really feel very sorry for her. However, with racial and religious epithets expressing gross bigotry and intolerance that she screamed at me, I have to say that I am glad I am no longer the ATM and liquor provider in her life. As a human bean I certainly do not want to see anyone out in the streets. But, I cannot be responsible for a person that is not responsible for themselves.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Well, I did it! After the time of living with an alcoholic who cleaned out our checking account for the fourth time and went on a drunk - ending in a dry out under the Baker Act and a suicide attempt, it was the last straw. I have moved out of Florida and have found a level of peace through my family's support and help. At 67 I am working more and enjoying life more as I do not have to worry about locking up the alcoholic beverages. I do not get lied to about drinking, and other crap. Amazing how happiness can come at a very late age.