Saturday, July 25, 2009

hospital time

Spent the last four days in Boswell Hospital - Sun City. Background - I was in Glendale on biz when I sort of collapsed (I blacked out and got right back up.) Anyway, driving there my hands were shaking like crazy and arms were very cold. I called 911 (Yes the position locator on the Iphone works). Ambulance came and hauled my butt off to the emergency room. ER doc named Patel declared me sick as he found a large red sploch on my right leg and promply flicked his bic and drew a line around the splotch - to contain it, I guess. I was then declared as having some sort of infection coupled with severe dehydration. Ohh Kay. So off I get whizzed (and by now I really needed to whizz even in my dehydrated state.) I was assigned a heart doctor, (named Patel) in case the infection was in one or more of my ticker valves - did I mention that a line of battle was drawn around the offending cellitis, their term not mine. Three different antibiotics were IV'd into me along with the required saline solution, Only took 8 stabs in the back of my hand for the blood tests. Hmmmm. Then they pulled out what seemed like a gallon of my red stuff radiated it and then put it back into me for scanning 18 hours later. Of course the infectuous disease doc (named Patel - go figure). I was declared cured (Thank some Indian Gods for such a miracle, I suppose. Now a script for Keflex, watch my temperature, get lots of rest and live long and prosper.

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