Saturday, September 19, 2009

sailing cats

Baccarat was with me for 20 years. He was a big (20lbs) lazy and clumsy Maine Coon cat. He loved being on the boat with us. I was working as a harbor master in Monterey CA, living with two cats on the boat. Bac, a territorial, individual that defended his boat space from all comers. For instance, one afternoon a German Shepard came prancing down the dock, away from his master off the leash. He got close to our boat. Bac took exception to the intrusion and fluffed out all his fur, growled, hissed and extended his claws. The German Shepard backed away just as its owner came looking for him. The owner was really embarrassed by his dog who cowered from a mere cat. Bac, unperturbed, curled up on the cabin top for a well deserved snooze in the sun.

On another day, Bac decided to go for a dock stroll. As this was a forbidden activity, we ran after him. He skittered out on one of the dock fingers and by his posture, I could tell that he knew he was in trouble. So he decided to get away from me by jumping the 13 feet across to the next finger. The otters on the water watched the spectacle of the mighty leap and subsequent splash into Monterey Bay. I got him fished out after he cat paddled to me. A good towel drying then a week of his self grooming (and subsequent hairballs) got him back to normal. He did not leave the boat again. I suspect that the otters are still laughing . . .

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