Friday, February 5, 2010

school lunches, Palin, mo' bombings in Iraq

Seems the USDA is cracking down on school lunch programs - more inspections, etc. Now, how many years have we endured the lunch lady stuff thrown on our trays? When I was in school, incoming ;} food - burger, cheese and who-knows-what came in large brown boxes marked, "government surplus" - army rations left over from WWII. I suspect that school lunchrooms today are still getting those same boxes . . . I wonder when the government people are going to name that stuff a bio threat and have color coded signs that change with the menu of the day - from salad (green), to cheese mac (red).

Seems that the Alaska first dude has had his e-mails published - the guy tried to influence almost every branch of the State's government. More Sarah woes, I guess, if the publication nails her for inappropriate use of government funds.

More bombs kill folks in Iraq. I am still for a fence around the country and let them sort it out internally. (Remember the 'Escape from ------" movies?)

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