Friday, October 29, 2010

new terrorist stuff

Gee - ya' think that we should be more careful about packages from Yemen??? How about the rest of the world??? I, for one am sick of this 21st century terrorist crap. Don't travel to Europe because of a possible threat. Don't use the toilet because a bomb (or snake, or spider, or alligator etc.) could be lurking there. Now here is a great thought. Young lady from Scandenavia did a book on where the pig parts go - seems that this little piggy went to 185 different places for uses. We all know about food, hides, insulin and glue; but, did we have any idea that ammo was one of the uses. Now, follow me on this. We're shootin' Taliban and other baddies trained in Pakistan with pig parts. Will this fact negate the 70 virgins awaiting when they get their butts blown off from American ammo? Brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it. The moral to this story is to be sure to use made in the USA bullets the next time you are confronted with a Jihadist.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

rip offs you miss

I try real hard not to get excited about the small crap in everyday life. The real big stuff like, "God did it," swears Mary, I leave to others. However, I do get off on sneaky charges added to something I buy. Heading home from Sam's Club today, I stopped at Filibertos for a burrito and a coke. No big deal as I fumble out my debit card and hand it over. When the slip comes back to me there is a $.60 processing fee added on> Hmmm, that's 9% vig on top of the bill. Considering that I paid 8.8% tax to the city and state, I now have paid about 17% more for my food. My point is: If you are buying something the charges levied should be stated up-front. Kinda the honest thing to do, don't you think?

On the ankle issue, had to put off the final surgery. Had noone to drive me home and 'watch me' for the ensuing 24 hours after anesthetic. Life goes on.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I'm back - sort of

I've been out of touch with everything lately. After 5 monthis in the hospital and somewhat depressed about it, I'm preparin g to return to surgery for a final nip and tuck, screw removal, etc. Hopefully, this will be the last of the cutting games for the foot. Have that nasty hole in my stomach that they are talking about repairing - finally. Anyway, life is OK - baked a chicken (French style) tonight for dinner. Was too busy connecting my new computer to my Xbox to get to it while it was warm. Oh well . . .